Shared consumer insights

Shared with you by Fran Benoist @ Watch Me Think

From breakdown to breakthrough: managing your own message


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Test out your hypotheses

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Watch Me Explore

Identify new innovation opportunities for products or services that will solve a genuine problem, by letting people show you what motivates and frustrates them.

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Watch Me Develop

Ensure concepts and prototypes are right before scaling up. And save time, money and iterations, by refining your concepts and testing your prototypes in-situ.

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Watch Me Use

See what’s working and what needs to be improved. By testing your products in-context and seeing how people use it, talk about it, discover it and look for it.

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Watch Me Shop

Identify shopper-led growth opportunities, or see the competitive landscape from a shopper perspective, by observing authentic in-store and online behaviour.

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Pulled plug

Crumbs! We lost touch for a moment.