Shopper Insights From good to great

Observe actual shopper behaviour to identify tensions, workarounds and untapped potential for your brand.

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If-It-Were-Our-Money recommendations that you can trust and act upon

Watch how people shop across different channels, both in-store and online, without interrupting their natural behaviour.

Uncover the whole shopping mission by seeing people pre, during and post-shop.

Hear and see where shoppers would expect to find a new product concept and why, rather than rely on the retailer to tell you where to place NPD.

See the shopping environment through the eyes of the shopper and understand what isn’t working and why.

Cheat sheet checklist: Where we can help

Yes How the shopper shops in a particular channel
Yes Shopper missions by channel and category
Yes Understand the impact of changes in-store /online
Yes Big themes / trends and how these affect shopping
No Shopping of the future
Yes Global learnings
Yes Shopper journey / path to purchase
No Build new purchase decision hierarchies
Yes Add context to current purchase decision hierarchies

“Working with WMT allows us to truly bring the consumer voice into the business. With insightful value added analysis, the consumer voice is made front and centre of senior decision making”

Iain Amos
Senior Insight Manager,

What we do…

Watch Me Explore

Identify new innovation opportunities for products or services that will solve a genuine problem, by letting people show you what motivates and frustrates them.

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Watch Me Develop

Ensure concepts and prototypes are right before scaling up. And save time, money and iterations, by refining your concepts and testing your prototypes in-situ.

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Watch Me Use

See what’s working and what needs to be improved. By testing your products in-context and seeing how people use it, talk about it, discover it and look for it.

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Watch Me Shop

Identify shopper-led growth opportunities, or see the competitive landscape from a shopper perspective, by observing authentic in-store and online behaviour.

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We help you improve your products and find new growth opportunities. And we do so by distilling in-the-moment behaviours with video ethnography, all around the world.

Chat research with a Strategy Brain




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Crumbs! We lost touch for a moment.